Sunday, December 30, 2007

1,000 and counting

As you can tell with the subtle changes to the blog, Brooke has been out of town visiting family in Utah. Not much else to do when kids are in bed. I have been trying to spruce up the GC header, so that is why is it ever changing. Doug is here visiting and I am having him help me decide which header to use. Let me know what you think. Doug and I think that one will work for right now. While doing that I was the 1000th visitor - I think I should win a prize for that! Hope there will be plenty more visitors.

Daren, that sucked! Your day went from bad to worse. You are pretty lucky that someone ran into it. You might have been going back up in the spring to find that ski. Ryan and I kicked our ski off one time (I was maybe 10 and Ryan 14) while on the lift to try and ski down on one ski. We were close to the top and wouldn't have to ski very far. We slid and fell to where our ski's should have been, but they were gone. Someone said the ski patrol took them. It made for a long ski run. We had to talk to the ski patrol and apologize before we could get our ski back, it was pretty funny. Happy New Year!

ps - Where is the pic of the new cross bike Daren? That sounds pretty cool!


Amelia M said...

I liked the green header thing. Looked cool.

Daren said...

I like the new header. I'll get some pictures up this week.
