Friday, November 23, 2007

Thankful Day

This is a part of Ogden not many know about.

This is part of the Ogden Parkway that is a blast to ride on, minus the puncher weeds.

this seat can be dangerous when your tights catch on it was you are dismounting to run over a log. It becomes a vital part cracker as you hit the log!
Sutt, Daren, Tanner and I hit the early morning pre-dinner ride. We had a ball. Great ride to Fort B. and alot of log jumping and sandy hill riding. It was hard to leave to get back to T-Day dinner and party. Sutt is ready to race if he can figure which side to get off and on the bike. Daren and Tanner are looking smooth and strong over the logs. Look out this week as they are ready to rip . I'm having a ball racing the CX but as a newbee I have a ways to go. It still boils down to watts, of which my old wiring is lacking.
We had a great and busy day. We all have so much to be thankful for. We missed our family members not with us. But most of all I missed Leah and Gordon, the original GC Connection.
Ride Safe, Doug

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