Friday, November 23, 2007


Another Thanksgiving is in the books. I certainly have much to be thankful for. Family, friends, health, a job I enjoy and the chance to race bikes to name a few things. I had a long, but good day yesterday. The festivities started in Ogden with a ride on the cross bikes with Doug, Tanner and Adam. We rode the parkway out to Fort B and did some practice on the course. It was really fun except for the 5 flats. The parkway is full of goathead and we found most of them.

It was the Cottle extended family Thanksgiving this year so we were off to my sister Becky's church for a small gathering of around 60. I say small because this is just over half of the total crew if everyone could make it. We had good food and fun playing games lead by green vest Doug. Next it was off to the in-laws for a quick visit then on to Peterson's where most of the Cottle's gathered again for more food and games. I pretty much just stuck to eating pie all night.

Good times for all but it was strange not having my oldest daughter Erin with us. I wondered all day what she was up to in Uruguay. Hope she had a good day.

Off to ride Wheeler this afternoon in preparation for tomorrow's race. We got all the leaves off the grass this morning and the Christmas lights on the house. Now that was a good time!

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