Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Tour picks?

I am pretty busy with school, actually it is pretty intense. I just realized we didn't do a tour pick? Day late - dollar short. Anyone want to do a late round pick?

GC:1. Cadel Evans
2. Denis Menchov
3. Jens Voigt

Green: Kim Kirchen

Polka dots: Björn SchrÖder

White: Andy Schleck

Road the twilight crit last night. It was extremely windy, the most I have seen out there. two guys pulled off pretty quick and nobody wanted to try and catch them. I ended up pulling a lot! I pulled some (mostly a lot) in each lap for 12 laps. My average heart rate was 178. I would pull, then no one would follow and we would slow down. It was pretty frustrating. With my time constraints with school I have been doing a power hour for training. So I have been killing myself for an hour, so I felt really strong. I finally caught them with six laps to go. I sat in for a few laps to try and recover. With two laps to go it slowed way down. With one lap to go I decided to take a chance. I knew I didn't have enough to out sprint everyone, so I took off. I got caught before the last corner and was passed by 3 riders. All three would NOT pull through earlier, baggers. But that is racing. I ended up with a well worked 4th. Was adding up my points from the last year and found out that I have enough points to upgrade, but I am not going to say anything to them about it. Hopefully, they don't catch it. I still want to win a crit.

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