Thursday, July 17, 2008

Attack please

The crit tonight was different. Now that the A group is basically gone (big crash a month or so ago) most of the top B guys moved up. Which left about half the B group from earlier in the year and a handful of eager C's. The only problem was everybody in our group except me and one other rider were playing D. They sat on our wheels the whole time. If either of us attacked they would all jump, if we slowed down they made sure to stay behind us. at one point I was on the yellow line and he was on the white and none of them would roll past. We looked at each other and just laughed. After our three attempts to break away failed I just decided to pulled hard and see what happened. Unfortunately not much. After about 20 min of this I decided to at least get a workout in. So I literally pulled about 85% of the last 20 min by myself. I was second in the first prim, won a gift card that I'll never use in the second, and after pulling the group around all night came up 4th at the finish. Good workout, but not mush excitement. Next week is the last Ogden crit of the summer and it's Noah's birthday (24th of July). So I'll have to check with the boss to see if get to race it. In more exciting news, I only have one more week of class to attend this summer. Too bad I still have a few more papers to type.

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