Saturday, May 31, 2008

Thrill and Spills

Question: What happens when you crash at 31 mph?

Answer: Lots of pain and road rash.

Today was the state TTT in Corvallis. We had a very strong cat 4 team, with me as the very weak link of the team. I wasn't feeling very good and the team was cranking it. The course is a 7.5 mile loop, with teams doing almost 4 loops and a total distance of 27.3 miles. Our goal was to finish the race in under an hour. Coming into the end of the third lap I finished my small pull and was on the back. After the next rider, Steven, finished his turn there was some confusion with the second in line Paul. There wheels rubbed and he went down - hard. Paul fell on his hip and hand. Rob was third and fell next. He slid out in front of me and I had no where to go. I was fourth and went right over Rob's wheel, rolling onto my left side. When I hit my legs cramped and locked up on me and I couldn't move. I was in a lot of pain. I had to scoot on my butt off the road to get out of the way of other racers. My bike suffered slight damage, but best of all no one was seriously hurt. I drove the hour home in discomfort, the shower hurt like you know what, and now I am trying to move around the house - pretty stiff. But this is the life of cycling.


Anonymous said...

The knee pic hurts me to look at it. Wait till the scab. But at least no major damage to the bike.

Daren said...

That's got to hurt. The first mistake was doing a TT. The second mistake was doing a TTT. You need to race the dirt where it's safe!

Get well.

Alissa said...

Brady, that looks like death!