Saturday dawned cold and wet. Perfect cross weather. Driving up to
Heber, Tanner and I were getting excited as we passed through snow squalls. The race course was actually in pretty good shape other than one long 6" deep mud bog. During the racing, we had temps in the 30's and 40's, sun, rain, hail and snow. The team was out in force and we had a great showing. Kevin Wilde had the B's won but misunderstood where the finish line was and sat up to finish 3rd. Tanner dominated the 15 - 18 juniors for a big win. Dave and Eric when 8
th and 9
th in the A's and Aaron, Steve and I pulled a
Mapie and went 1-2-3 in the Masters 35+ A. A great day all around.
Tanner looked really good and passed a good portion of the B's that started 30 seconds in front of him. He's made a big jump this year and it will be fun to watch him race in Utah and at Nationals in December. I had my best race in the UT Cross series. I couldn't keep
AJ's wheel, but rode most of the race in 2
nd. Steve got to me on the last lap and put a small gap on me out of one corner. I couldn't quite close to him and finished a couple of seconds back. However, I beat a couple guys I never have before and rode really
consistent lap times. The mud bog was a
challenge. There was no good line just different degrees of bad lines. Dave ended up on a bad line the 1st lap and lost about 15 spots. He had to chase back the entire race or would have finished higher.
There was a good turnout at the race, especially considering the weather. It is much more fun to race when the fields are big. Hopefully, it will continue. This Saturday is
RMR and it looks like good weather. Should be fast and hard. Last year,
RMR was actually a fun venue. I'm looking forward to it. You should come out and watch. With any luck, Doug's wrist will let him take a shot at racing.
Here's a picture of the team warming up as Tanner and Kevin raced. With our new team canopy, we look pretty official. We invited Bart G. in to warm-up, but he said it is against his religion to ride a trainer. He's on a higher plane than the rest of us. I also posted a few video clips that Tanner and I took. One shows,
AJ, me and Steve near the end of the 35+ race.