Monday, June 07, 2010


Remember those good old days of Football and struggling to finish two or three practices a days (I guess it made us better athletes). Well, I now have an old man bike riding version of two-a-days. It starts with a 30 mile ride on the Tandem with Mindy (before she heads to work) and then around noon another 30 with Russ (Doug joins in on which ever group ride he wants). My hope is this will get me back on track, because Doug was hurting me about a month ago. It was all I could do to stay on his wheel after about 15 miles, but with my new riding plan I hope to drop a few pounds and increase my power. I'll tell you what the tandem definitely gives my muscles a deeper workout. I guess we'll see how long I last on this crazy two-a-day riding plan.

1 comment:

Bubba said...

I have been pretty lucky that I get to ride to and from work each day. It is a good way to start and end the day. But I don't get two 30 mile rides in each day! That will definitely get you in shape.