Thursday, June 10, 2010

Holding up the blog

Sutt has definitely been holding up the blog. My blogging has been at a bare minimal. There is so much to talk about in the world of cycling: the Landis accussations, to Contador not riding well, and team Radio Shack. But I think I will stick to something I am more comfortable with - Me!

The new white wraps came out and the bike is ready to go. A few weeks ago I rode the Eugene Roubaix. It is a 55 mile course with a 2 mile section on a gravel road. I felt fine throughout the race. There were about 65 people in my category, making it a tight fit. I ended up a little behind going into the gravel, but made up some ground and finished 9th.

The crits started last week, but I got really sick and wasn't able to go. I felt a lot better this week and got out there to try. There were 53 people out for the local crit! Crazy! There was a good head wind on the back side and it was raining. Sounds like a great time, huh? It actually was pretty fun to be out and riding in a bike group. We averaged 26 miles per hour. I got in a bad spot in the final corner but passed a few people for a 5th place finish.

I just can't wait for the rain to stop. It has been a long rainy spring! Sutt and Doug, I am going to have to start pounding the pavement to catch up to your miles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The flames look good. Bub you still ride more than me in any given year. I might get a lot of summer miles, but my winter miles are almost zero.