Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sun City Loot!

On a whim Jeremy and I decided to race a crit in Portland. I called Jeremy on Friday to talk about our youth temple trip. He said that he saw there was going to be a crit in Portland right after we got done. So we got the ok from wives (thanks Brooke and Kristy) and headed to the race.

The course was the craziest 3/4 mile course I have ever seen. It was behind a strip mall and had many twists and turns going in and out of parking lots and through alleyways. You started the race going down a hill, which quickly 180's, going right back up the hill into a head wind. The uphill and technical turns played to my advantage. By the fourth or fifth lap we had already established a good gap on most of the field. By the sixth lap it was myself and another guy. Jeremy got stuck as we broke away and wasn't able to bridge the gap. I was able to win two of the three prime's. One was $50 gift certificate to a Mexican restaurant and the other $109 free month of Taikwando lessons (woo -hoo! What do I do with that?).

Going into the final lap I was pulling, so I decided to attack up the hill and try and hold the lead. He was able to stay close on my tail, but I was still in the lead. Going into the last corner I took it too wide, giving him just enough room to squeeze in and cut me off around the bend. It was the only time all day I took the corner that wide. The sprint was about 20 yards out of the turn and I never was able to catch him. I lost by about 2 feet! I think I am destine for second. We were able to break a huge gap and I felt really good about that. Jeremy finished behind us winning 3rd. I walked away with about $230 in cash and prizes, so that was pretty cool (even though $109 is for Taikwando - I think I am going to try and sell it on Craig's List - any takers?).

It is good to see all the pic's taken from the Lotoja! I think we should start calling my Dad "Crash!" It seems a more fitting name.



Daren said...

Nice job! The win will come in your next race. When you going to upgrade?

Bubba said...

Can't upgrade - not enough points. Each race has specific requirements, for example, a crit needs 30 people or atleast 20 miles. None of the ones I did met that requirement, therefore I only get 1 participation point. Or you need to race in 25 races, which I didn't. This is alright with me since I haven't won a 4 and racing a 3 would mean I have to race with the 1,2 all summer in the Eugene Crit - not fun.