Monday, September 17, 2007

LOTOJA- 356 days to Go!

Well I'm sure you have been dying for my lotoja post. My only problem that the hole I wore in my butt has prohibitted me from setting long enough to post. It is getting better but D and T know I didn't do to well Sat going up the mountain. My experience this year was much better than last. I even felt good on the climbs, thanks to compact conversion. The worst feeling was on top of the Snake River Pass, knowing all the climbs were over but we still had 80 miles to go. It is such an individual experience it is fun to hear how everyone personally felt. It looks so easy for everyone else but me. I do think there was some very exciting moments, like coming off the big mountain to Montpellier and watching the specialized machine go to the front and drive that train home for 20 miles. It was so cool as we pulled half the field with us to the feed zone. Who could forget Uncle Kim's nature deposit, it put a whole new definition to buck naked. We may not have been the fastest, but we looked the best, bikes included! Here are a few of my pictures. We will be putting everyones on a dics and making copies for all. We had success though as we did beat the hairy legged tube sock soloist! Brady can almost sleep at night if it weren't for the big thighed duds that beat us.

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