After my flop with a non-bike post I decide to try something else. Today I am asking a GC Connection poll question: Should Lance Armstrong ride next year? Most people have an opinion on this, ranging from, yes, it will be good for the sport to no, he will be the next Michael Jordan trying to play for the Wizards. I will reserve my opinion for later, but would like to hear what you all think.
Lance who? This is a high risk deal. Age is a tough thing, hard to believe that he can compete at that upper level. Unless he has a new drug dealer with some good juice. It will definately bring back some fans, for good and bad. My vote is heck yes.
I vote yes! I want him to come back and kick some butt. I think he doped but still has the physically unique make-up to be the best. With no one doping I think he could still beat the best. Best of luck Lance!
Heck yes, He dopes they all dope. Heck I would juice if I could make a couple of million a year. THe true question is will he get caught?
I would love to see him ride in the Tour again. Partially just to piss off all the French who don't want him to do it. Go Lance GO!!
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