Chrispy and Bart of the future. The little dude worked his tail off to get the bike over the barrier.

Bart bunny hopping the double! It was pretty impressive. Crispy and Bart were the class off the field. Crispy is a great rider, so intense and go for it.

Daren thinking what have I got myself into!

Daren leading some serious racers!

Daren's flying over the double.

Tanner on the short side of the double log barrier. That was later ropped off so you had to go over the double.

Tanner bunny hopping the second log

It was a crappy day for CX racing as it was down right beautiful weather. The course was like a road course with a lot of speed and it was a blast to watch. I could see a lot of hurting faces and there was a lot of threshold efforts going on. I was disappointed to watch my group race and not be in there, but the hurt for there efforts made me feel not as bad. Tanner raced a great race. He was off the lead on the first lap, but drilled it to the front by the end of the second lap and put some serious hurt on the group. In the end only one guy could hang with him and he was a pro mountain biker and beat Tanner in a fine sprint. This young dude can roll and it is a blast to see Tanner progress and work the serious adult racers. Ryan came and watched with his kids and hardly recognized Tanner. He said what happened to that pudgy little kid! Daren's race was especially exciting to watch. He has really worked hard and it shows. He was so deep in the effort cave, I don't know how he did it, but it was cool to watch. I have never seen him race that well! Big props, I was a proud brother! He was in a group of all pro's and just worked hard. I kept expecting to see him drop back but no way. He drove the group a lot and he was differently the best technical rider. He would gain gaps on the technical corners and jumps. It was a great day of racing and a lot of fun to watch. I got so excited that I came home and ran 6 miles, since I still can't ride.
Maybe some day we can get Ryan on a bike? One more to the GC.
Here are my pics from the B and Masters 45+ races. I wish I had stuck around for the A's. It would have been inspiring to see Bart hop off the double - I didn't even ride over the single once!
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