Thursday, July 15, 2010

Odgen Crit

Today I was all excited about the first Ogden Crit. We planned the day around making it an event. I was leaning towards the all or nothing move by Bub today, but I really got the nothing. As I road down to the crit from my Mom's house I can't see any bikes anywhere. I ride the entire DDO and nothing. Then I panic and think it has been moved to another location, so I jump in the car and ride over to Bingham's. Come to find out the first crit starts next week on the 22nd. So I road home. It really was a nothing crit for me. I hope next week to be all in. Like Bub said, "all or nothing". I would like to add go early or go home!!!!

1 comment:

Bubba said...


That stinks! Go early next week! Hopefully we all get to do one together soon.