Monday, May 03, 2010

Out of Shape

Well, this winter I hit the weights hard and I achieved my goal of 235 (1RM) bench, 255 (1RM) decline, and Squat of 315. I put on 8lbs of muscle, but I also had to have minor surgery to repair an umbilical hernia last month. Not sure on which lift it occurred, but it put me out a few week. Now that I'm cleared again by the doctor I have decided to quit lifting upper body altogether. I still lift the legs (extensions, curls, push press), but I'm lifting low weight and med intensity with no squats. I thought lifting would help me in the crits and cross next year, but all it did was put me back a few months.

In cycling news I have a new love of commuting thanks to the cross bike. I ride the cross bike to work on Tue, Thur, and any bad weather days. Then during my prep I hit the field around the school for 40 min of fun. I go in and out of the trees, between gates, up and down the ten yard ditch, and just play around on my own cross trail. It has been a lot of fun playing around like a kid again on the bike. My hope now is to get ready for the Ogden crits that start next month in an effort to compete with Doug.

1 comment:

Bubba said...

Cross is pretty fun! If you like the muddy rain you can always come ride out here. Good luck with the house Cowboy Sutt!