Thursday, December 03, 2009

I'm finished

I now have my MEd degree (Go Wildcats) and I'm officially done with the higher educational system (although I don't walk/ graduate until the 11th). If you are wondering if I'll head back to get my Admin certification, the answer is NO (I'm done). If you are extremely bored you can read my Masters Project at

I have no bike related news (haven't been on the bike much) to tell you about, but I hope to soon. Although basketball is now taking up a big chunk of my time now.

Bub, I too want the Ducks tonight. I'm not a real Duck's fan, I'm more of a anti-USC fan and I just can't cheer for any team that wears Black and Orange.


Daren said...

Congrats on the Masters.

Bubba said...

Nice work Sutt! I didn't read the whole thing, but looked good. Go Ducks!!!!!!!! Brooke and I still have our battles with BL v. Ogden.

Doug said...

Sutt I think Dr. Suttlemyre has a nice ring, what's ten more years! Congrat!