Monday, April 27, 2009

Cowboy up

I took Russ over his snowboard on Saturday and as I walked in the barn I hear this odd noise. It didn't sound like a horse, chicken, dog or cat. SO, I looked in the stall to see a calf. Russ got a cow (now he truly is a cowboy). So I called him up and he said he could get me one as well. So I talked to Mindy and we are now the proud owners of the white calf. He's name is steaks and Russ's calf is named Dinner (nice names Press). Some times you just have to COWBOY up in life and get a cow.

Russ the cowboy in his true element
This is our first pet and we hope to eat it (do we have issues or what).

As far as riding goes, I'm happy any time I can get a few miles in. The only problem is Russ keeps distracting me away from riding with Cowboy stuff. Watch out I might start wearing wranglers.
Bub or Doug, are we going to order more GC Connection gear?
How soon do we need to order it to get it before Lotoja?
Can only you two order it or can any of us do it?


Bubba said...

Sutt - I'm waiting to see the day when you wear Wranglers. Maybe a belt buckle and hat too. As for the gear I haven't done anything yet. I will talk to Doug and get it moving.

Doug said...

Sutt you two can't bring the cattle along for our next ride! I am going to Brady's friday and we will get it worked out.

Daren said...

You guys have issues.