Saturday, May 02, 2009

Is Lance Good for the Sport?

Is Lance good for the sport of cycling? Heck yes! Lance is in a win - win situation here. Lance has brought cycling back from the dead. Last year all people cared about was who was doping and who was under investigation of doping. We all know they do, but atleast it is not on the main front. Now it is about which race Lance is riding in, then whomever else is riding with him. Even if Lance doesn't win he will just claim he is here to give support to his teammates, which just gives him more publicity and allows him to reach is own agendas - promote his companies and get his name out there for all to see. The thing is - people want that person to love and cheer on. Even if he doesn't win. All in all it is good to see cycling in the news for a good thing again. Win - win for Lance.

Personal note. Not much riding this weekend. Had class all weekend. I have one more weekend of class, a few projects, a big test, finish my portfolio, and I am done with the admin program! Almost there... Maybe I will get some better training in then.


Anonymous said...

I just finished finals last week so I know your pain. The only problem I have is I still have one more fall class to go. At least I have the summer off to ride (I hope).

Lance is great for the sport, but he's return to the bike is helping Levi the most.

Daren said...

My not so young nephews, I have to dissagree with you on this one. Does Lance bring more press coverage and money to the sport? Absolutely. Does Lance raise tons of money for cancer research and help the lives of many? Absolutely. Is he amazingly gifted and driven to succeed? Absolutely. Did he and Bruyneel create a culture of systematic doping, arrogance and itimidation at Postal and Discovery that helped to nearly kill the sport? Absolutely.

Taken as a whole, he's done more harm than good to the sport. His redemption is fighting cancer. Without that, there would be little in his life to respect.

Bubba said...

What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?