Wednesday, December 10, 2008

To pump or not to pump - that is the question?

If I were the Style Guy from Bicycling magazine I would consider it a major faux pas, but I am happy to admit I ride with a hand pump on my bike. I am not saying co2 is the devil, but I am saying I like my good old dependable hand pump. Let me explain. I am a commuter, therefore, I ride to and from work in all conditions. What makes it worse is the fact that it is Oregon, lots and lots of rain. I read an article once about a scientific study that proved you get more flats while riding in wet conditions. It has something to do with the surface tension and materials sticking more to your tires. I know for a fact that it is true. I rarely have a flat in the summer, but have atleast one a week in the rain. In the last two weeks I have had 4 flats and two new tires. I need something dependable to fix these flats, which happen quite frequently. I used to carry co2, but found them unreliable. When it gets cold they blow, or if I didn't get it full enough I road on a partially flat tire. I have opted for the uncool hand pump. It especially looks bad having my hand pump across my curved top tube of my Specialized Tarmac. But I guess I go with being practical over looking cool.


Doug said...

My son the pumper! I wouldn't consider a pump here in Utah, but the wet Ducks of Ore, a must. We did have some great rides last week, and I didn't have a flat. You did have that screw in yours Bub.

Anonymous said...

Just put the hand pump in the back of your jersey. That way you don't look like a billy, but you have the dependablity.