I'm feeling great after 13miles and really excited. I thought I've done many 200 mile rides, how tough can a 100 miler be on a Mountain bike?
This is looking down our descent road. It was a ball going down. Some how we all knew we were going to have to climb out after 100 miles, but it didn't seem like a big deal at this stage.
The first thing we encountered when we got down on the plateau was that we had a very hard head wind, and it was HOT, not warm but 95 degree's with a 30 mile and hour head wind, and 75 miles to go. It just got harder and harder. We began to feel like we were in a blast furnace. We went in unsupported, so we had to watch our water intake and try to gage our usage. When we got to 50 miles we stopped and tried to eat but after 3:30 riding the desire for food was leaving. We had no place to go but keep moving forward. There were some really steep climbs that I could believe you could go up, but we did. We were going down one steep descent and Adam rolled a tire and lost his air, so he and I had to put a tube in the tubeless set we were all riding. Daren and Tanner were ahead and didn't see the flat so they were a mile ahead. They started to come back, but the climb to us was brutal so I waved them to stay down and we got it fixed with a tube fine, and away we went. This was our only bike mechanical breakdown, if only our 4 bodies had held up as well.
I tried to take some pictures, but the longer we went it just wasn't worth the effort.
I drove down and picked up our bikes and Adam and drove out. I was feeling so bad I didn't know if I could drive up the switch backs, but we made it up. Daren was in his car with the body shakes going, I'm cramping, and Adam is throwing up. What started as a great day really was the toughest time I've had on a bike. 103 miles in just over 9 hours, what fun. We couldn't find a hotel in Moab so we drove to Green River and tried to recover. Adam threw up all night, I don't know what to do, so finally he and I decide to head for home. Adam was not in good shape but we headed out early. When we got home Mindy took Adam to the hospital and found him to be in renal failure. They started the IV's and did some other blood work. His lactic acid was still off the chart. They finally let him go home after he had stabilized some. Adam weighed himself when he got home from the hospital and he had lost 13 pounds. I lost 6, Daren lost 5 and I don't know about Tanner. Biggest loser we've got the place for you to go. Adam has gotten kidney function back today, so things are looking brighter. We all are pretty weak and the prospects are looking up, we were lucking as the end results could have been much worse. Never another 100 mile bike ride for me. Let's see we have six weeks til Seattle to Portland 200 miler, thank goodness its on a road bike. Ride safe.
1 comment:
Sounds like soooo much fun! Sorry I missed out on that one. I have to say you look like death in the last picture. Glad everyone is recovering.
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